Since starting keto I have an abundance of energy and no longer want to nap. I have lost a lot of weight, and the body fat came off my stomach that would never budge.
I have lots more energy to do things. I was able to reach my original weight from 3 years ago and I have lost weight in my thighs and stomach, which usually don’t change when I lose weight.
I used to live in ‘mum fog’ and couldn’t focus on ANYTHING. Learning new things was more difficult than it had ever been. I had no mental clarity or focus. I now run my own business successfully, I train every day, do podcasts and learn all the time. I have laser focus and a true thirst for knowledge, now this new me is unlocked.
I no longer hide in my home, obese, sad and with no drive. I have a passion and drive for my life, my family, my business and want to get out and be a part of the world. I exercise and love it. I enjoy living and no longer hide away.