Frequently asked questions
How do I use keto testing strips?
Using keto testing strips is very easy, here are the basic steps.
> Quickly expose the coloured squares on the urine testing trips to your urine.
> Wait 40seconds for the colour to change on the strips.
> Use our colour chart on the side of the strips packed to determine your reading.
You can expose your testing strips to your urine via the following methods 1) The Dip Method: pee into a container and quickly dip the stick in the urine, or 2) The Free Flow Method: place the end of the testing strip directly into your urine flow, ensuring the coloured squares are slightly exposed to the urine.
You can access our Keto Testing Strips Guide here:
How often do I use ketone testing strips?
We recomend testing daily at first, as it’s a great way to shift your focus off the scales, however, don’t be obsessed with the readings, just trust in your process as it can take up to 4 days for your strips to show readings.
You can trial testing at diffrent times in the day to see if you get diffrent readings, when waking, before bed or midday.
Your hydration and eating habbits can impact your test resutls, so being consistent with your testing times as well as being aware of any changes to your activity levels, the day's humidity & temperature and your drinking patterns withing 12 hours of testing is very important.
What is different between our keto testing strips and other testing strips?
Most over the counter ketone test are designed to be used for blood sugar readings for diabeties patients, which means it’s hard to understand how your readings relate to Keto Dieting.
Our keto testing strips show you how to read your strips results, help you understand what that means regarding your ketone levels, tell you where you should be based on desired resutls and instruct you on how to change your readings.
Our Ketone Testing Strips are also the only testings strips that test for both BHB Ketones and Accetone Ketones at the same time.